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The Age of Hyperconnectivity

South Florida is already a leader in the aviation, space and aerospace industries. Continuing to attract higher value products and services will ensure that it remains a global center of excellence. WORLDCITYouth Florida is home to one of the most vibrant aviation and aerospace hubs in the world. Unlike Seattle or Toulouse, France, South Florida does not yet manufaclure entire aircraft. although that may soon change. In any case, within a 60-mile radius of Miami you will fmd all the inputs and expertise you need to get the job done.South Florida and its neighboring coun­ ties have a long and successful history in aviation, aerospace and space enterprises both as pioneers and sustained best-in­ class. The industry is broad and deep - from the most visible components, such as American Airlines and Miami International Airp01t ($25 billion in com­ bined output), to less well-known compa-nies such as World Fuel Services, mainte­ nance and overhaul giants AvBome and Commercial Jet. In addition,South Florida is the world's third largest airline flight simulation center featuri ng Airbus and Boeing (Alteen) facilities, among others.The aerospace and space sectors include a long list of companies supplyi ng goods and services such as Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne (propulsion systems); aero­ space engineeling ftrrns such as AEI and BIE Systems; new matelials innovators such as Ultimate Composites; aircraft manufacturing, support and completion centers such as Embraer, Bombardier, Socata, Piaggio and Sikorsky; aircraft parts manufacturers and distributors such as HEICO, Kellstrom and Barfield, just to mention a few. APRIL 2008The industry know-how, culture, breadth and depth is the result of many generations and enterprises passing on knowledge and experience from one generation to another (Remember Lindbergh, Trippe, Pan Am, Eastern, the Apollo space Program?) which cannot be repl icated easily or quickly in other would-be aerospace hubs, no matter how much financial muscle local govern­ ments are willing to flex.Logistically speaking, South Florida and its Mianu "hub" have the best airport and seap01t access in the State, a world class multicultural workforce and ready access to a pool of ex-military/NASA talent. The model is fuel l ed by a corps of more than8,000 university graduates w ith aerospacetrain ing from some of the world's best uni­ versities such as Embry-Riddle, often referred to as the "Harvard of aviation and aerospace", which has Mianli and Ft Lauderdale campuses.Attracting qualified talent given South Florida's beauty and weather is easy. In one instance, a client finn assembled over160 aerospace engineers for an aircraft manufacturing program in South Florida within few months of placing job adver­ tisements around the country. Government support at local and state levels is aggres­ si ve, efficient and swift. The Beacon Cotmcil, Space Florida and Enterprise Florida all promote South Florida as a des­ tination for aerospace firms.The cwTent dollar exchange rate has prompted foreign aviation and aerospace firms to study expanding or relocating their companies in South Florida. The grounds are more fertile than ever.A case in point is Dade County's Opa­ Locka Airport in which two major lease­ holders are offering over 400 acres land adjacent to the runway for companies to set up operati ons. I am currently working with Emopean companies considering aircraft manufactwing, assembl y and completion plants. Well over $500 nlillion could be invested at the Opa-Locka airport in the near future to harness what could very well become one of the most innovative avia­ tion and aerospace parks in the world.The i mpact i n tenns of direct GOP to the community of such a project (at least five times the investment, or $5 billion) and APRi l 2008 high paying jobs (more than 2,000 at ($50,000+ per year) would strengthen even more South Florida's leadership in all three industry sectors.South Florida is already a proven leader in the aviation. space and aerospace indus­ tries. Continuing to attract higher value products and services will make it more than ever a global center of excellence inyears to come. we

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